Compared to the thickening atmosphere in the old bakery, the polluted city air outside had been pure and delicious.
The renovation of the old bakery, made up of several interconnecting buildings, is nearly complete.
This bakery opened its doors in 1730 and is one of the oldest bakeries in Paris.
The old bakery and the food store have now both closed.
The buildings formerly used as mills now serve as administration spaces, and the old bakery was transformed into a 120-seat theater.
The old bakery, the fire hall (former psychiatric facility laundry), and the power house are still standing in ruins.
O 'Gorman waved his hands once more, as they walked out through the remains of the old bakery's storefront and onto the esplanade.
Adjoining it is the mullioned old bakery, dating from 1733 upon a 17th-century core.
Just down the block Mr. Bellucci found an old bakery with a coal oven.
Time was running out when Azoth finally thought of the old bakery.