He says his site was not meant to be used by such an old browser.
Also, some older browsers don't understand cookies, and newer ones allow privacy freaks to turn them off.
However, this will not work with older browsers such as Internet Explorer 7.
The form should work on most computer systems, but it is incompatible with some older browsers and individual computer settings.
No support on old browsers (such as Internet Explorer below version 4).
Even though the site may look different in Netscape 4+ and older browsers, it will contain the same information.
If you are using an older browser, updating your software might help.
UniBrows does not, however, use a virtualized version of the old browser.
Many people have old browsers or slow modems, for example, and are not interested in upgrading.
And, for example, there's all kinds of tricks that it's necessary to play in order to make things work on old and new browsers.