Instead, she was taught self-defense and shooting in a small course for older cadets.
Finally, at the start of senior year they took the oldest cadets.
Maybe they had the idea he was just any old inexperienced cadet whom they could throw a scare into without hardly trying.
A score of older cadets were waiting at the far end behind what was evidently a transparent plascrystal wall.
Jargy yelled for everybody to move in, and pretty soon the older cadet found he couldn't scare the interference away.
As one of the oldest cadets at the Academy, Reoh wasn't used to being called "kid."
The older cadet confirmed the order then moved to take command of the other people inside the armory.
One of the older cadets took a crack at it.
Many of the older cadets, married with children, worried about their families back home.
The older cadets soon began bursting into the women's rooms, she said.