This results in older chicks being more aggressive and having a developmental head start.
Generally speaking, the oldest chick is the first to be weaned.
"I have a smooth young body," said Miles, "I thought you older chicks went for that."
Granny told me you're hard up for a man, and it turns out I'm between women right now, and I don't mind older chicks.
I mean, heck, any old hot chick would do, right?
Sometimes, in a nest of birds, the oldest chicks try to push the newly hatched ones out so that they can have more food.
The oldest chick often bear the advantage of larger size and louder voice, which tends to draw the parents attention towards them.
The owl chicks had been born at intervals of three or four days, and the oldest chick was substantially bigger than the smallest.
Next he tried a day old chick, with colleagues to witness.
The older chick accompanies the two adults on hunting expeditions.