The old clergyman rose to his feet, quaking all over.
He couldn't accept that crazy old clergyman and his mad daughters.
As he floated in front of her, the old clergyman rubbed his cracked lips.
The old clergyman looked tired and strained, a pathetic figure nearing the end of his days.
Saintly old clergymen likely starters in books, but (as before) this is real life.
The old clergyman droned on, Cossethay sat unmoved as usual.
The old clergyman's house, an impressive timber framing, approximately built in 1600.
Several persons were visible by the shaded candle-light, in the death chamber of the old clergyman.
And especially a dignified old clergyman like that.
He was accused of replacing older, liberal clergymen with younger, conservative successors.