Under the union's old contract, the workers paid nothing toward their premiums.
He was to be paid $753,000 this year and $1 million in the 1992-93 season under the old contract.
Under their old contract, the nurses had the option to take the following day off.
The workers earned an average of $20.37 an hour under their old contract.
The union agreed to keep working after the old contract ran out on Sept. 30.
The players were able to maintain the health benefits they had under their old contract.
State and city officials said that under an old contract, the plant is scheduled to close today.
That would mean a 14 percent cut for the players, who made an individual minimum of $46,080 under the old contract.
"That could never have happened under the old contract," he said.
Under the old contract, they paid $490 million in 1986.