There is an old fable about seven blind men who grabbed seven different parts of an elephant.
So they both can take credit for lending a hand to a wise old fable and a little red hen.
Let no fool, Led by the old false fable, thus deceive you.
Remember the old fable of the blind men and the elephant?
An old fable recounts approvingly how a couple buried their daughter alive so they would have more food to give to the man's mother.
As the old fable tells us, sometimes slow and steady wins the race.
He tells us old fables of Witted folk and beasts.
Vaguely she remembered an old fable of how the city had been saved.
For some reason the words reminded her of the old fable about the scorpion and the frog.
You who wear the serpents at your wrists should know better than to credit those old fables!