If I'm not mistaken, the folks back home remembered the old ring-field generator.
And not even enough money to repair the old generator, that's why we have oil lamps.
This certainly wasn't the old generator that was creating an exit opening for them but an entirely new one.
Look, head down track 100, watch for the old generator.
Tracing the wires led us to an old portable generator in a small room of its own near the front of the barn.
I have an old solar-powered generator and a windmill in the back for additional power.
I moved into the old generator shed where he had been sleeping.
In 1995 two old generators were replaced by a gas turbine referred to as unit 7.
No way was she going to rely on some ramshackle old generator for power.
As of last week, the new occupants of the station had succeeded in overhauling the old generators.