My 13 year old grandson was killed in 1985 crossing the road to get on the school bus.
Julio Carrello, 55, was hauling home a heavy box for his 8-year old grandson.
She worries most about her oldest grandson, who will soon be a teen-ager.
Her oldest grandson added a second great granddaughter to the family in February 2008.
She'd come to Santa Maria to visit her oldest grandson.
It is also common that a soft-boiled egg be prepared and then given to the oldest grandson.
By the way, my 4yr old grandson loves you too and will be there to see you.
He also had a 15 year old grandson who was a private in the land forces of the Revolutionary War.
He never saw his two month old grandson.
She was survived by a 48-year old grandson and two great grand-daughters.