Village has got some signs of old habitations.
Inos counted forty women in the "habitation," some old, some barely nubile.
The archaeological discoveries brought to light traces of habitation much older than the documentary attestation of the town.
There's something mighty elevating about those old habitations.
It was decided in public conclave, last night, to emigrate, and by the time the sun rises there won't be a bone left in our old habitations.
The numerous remains of old habitations show how thickly this level tract must once have been peopled, though now mostly a wilderness.
We find that the oldest habitations are nearest the surface, the more recent ones progressively below.
The area is also home to protected animal species and evidence of some of the oldest human habitations in the region.
His work almost never includes the human figure, the landscape subjects are often of old human habitation.
I do not mean that it is an old baronial habitation, but still it is a building always known to every one by the name of a Castle.