As older learners, we can be transported back to our childhood enthusiasm for learning - a point made with great humor and style.
In contrast to older learners, similar effects were seen in children.
Intuitively, one feels that older learners are at a disadvantage in relation to learning a language, but research shows the situation to be rather more complex.
Another source is the Institute of International Education, which lists more than 5,000 programs, mainly for college students (about 10 percent for older learners).
Teachers today have a wide array of materials to stimulate interactive learning, not just for young children but for older learners as well.
The OU will still be cheaper than many other universities, but will it price older or casual learners out of the market?
This program offers non-credit courses in most major academic disciplines to older learners in the community.
Today, about 160,000 older learners participate in 8,000 courses.
Some children's literature, such as historical fiction or stories related to social issues can also be used effectively with older or advanced proficient learners.
Although most college students today are in their late teens and early twenties, an increasing number are older learners, people returning to school, and military.