Such side effects are frequently produced by older medications used to treat psychosis.
My personal experience could be a wealth of information for people seeking to compare and contrast older and newer medications, yet it is often ignored.
These recommendations, produced entirely with federal government financing, say that physicians should not consistently choose the new drugs over the older medications.
Like many older medications, however, it was not extensively tested.
But though a new generation of drugs for psychosis have fewer side effects than older medications, the treatments are not without risk.
The plan, it said, would require that patients try older medications with dangerous side effects before being given more modern drugs.
Asprin: current knowledge about an old medication.
I have wondered if my pharmacy is using old medications to sell me.
There is little data to support its initial use over older anticonvulsant medications for any type of seizure disorder.
Many doctors and patients prefer the drugs to the older medications.