Many claim to be more service-oriented than their older peers.
New small-cap growth funds held the biggest edge, an average of 9.2 percentage points over their older peers.
Most skills about knowledge about things and the environment are absorbed by children through observation and initiation of the elders and older peers.
I'd be very interested to see whether summer born children have fallen further behind their older peers...
If you're unsure, talk to your older peers and tutors, and your mentor, and get them to guide you.
Radeon 9700's advanced architecture was very efficient and, of course, more powerful compared to its older peers of 2002.
"It is a recognition by my old peers in the scientific research community of the value of the profession I moved into," he said.
A significant part of these activities is the tutoring and encouragement of younger pupils by their older peers.
Students are placed into House Tutor Classes with a mix of younger and older peers.
Gifted students are frequently better matched with their cognitive peers (older peers) rather than age peers.