It's an old playbook, but it stretches credulity to the breaking point.
They'll have to face Buffalo with the same old playbook.
The problem is that the old playbook is not working.
Then go back to the old playbook one more time.
There's not much mystery about what's going to happen, since this is an old playbook: the two will share personal revelations, and ultimately one will go bonkers.
He is such a fan he is adopting a page out of Wayne Nish's old playbook.
Republicans are resurrecting the "same old plays from the same old playbook," he said.
In other words, everyone in the enduring Riverside South contest is adhering to the same old playbook.
Mr. Kerry's old playbook of speaking truth to power had been stolen by a fresh-faced outsider.
Many ideas come straight out of the old extraction-economy playbook.