This is why 1A2 equipment may be seen in service in places like emergency operations centers, and older police and fire stations.
The oldest and largest police chiefs' organization said the figures proved that law enforcement agencies were stretched too thin.
-If the island's second largest town has any centre at all, it's the sleepy square in front of the sagging old police barracks.
Okay, rooting around in old police files would have to wait.
The dead man was identified by the police as Marvin Thompson, 31 years old.
The answer from officials in Washington, it turns out, is the same one that would have been given by the old Iraqi police: not my job.
Please, he asked, scrounge around for a few old police bulletproof vests and mail them to me.
The old police athletic leagues are gone, and recreation centers sit empty because of cities' fiscal troubles.
The old political police, infamous for their torture and brutality.
Just a common, ordinary burglary, and well within the capacity of the poor old police.