And don't think you're going to pay any old price, either.
The town says that under the new zoning, the land is worth much less, and by law, it cannot pay the Millers the old price.
It is now $116 to cover a trip costing $1,501 to $2,000; the old price was $109.
Prices today increase more frequently than they decrease, and the old price is usually lower.
A model with a 133 megahertz chip sell for $2,499, about 17 percent below the old price.
Then, the Hamorians, should they want the trade, would have to go back to the old prices.
'And if we want any more it's five times the old price,' said Goodmountain, coming up.
If the old common price is reasonable, the new common should be worth $18.
But they feel worse off, in part because all of the old artificial prices are changing.