Matthew could not afford to care about old quarrels.
There is undoubtedly a new mood of possibility in the world, a sense that it is time to settle old quarrels.
Others worried whether old quarrels over land and borders might now take on new life.
Lure us into a war we can't win, and we'll forget about the tired old quarrels over abortion, race, guns,affirmative action, taxes.
"More," answered Christie, smiling too, as she remembered the old quarrels.
For a time Parliament was enormously taken up with moribund issues and old quarrels.
This would be the time when all men of Hallack must stand together, old quarrels and enmities forgotten.
Nothing will ever change, same old hatreds, same old quarrels.
Might I suggest it would be in all our best interests to work together, putting aside old quarrels until we're all safely out of here?
It woke memories of a score of old quarrels.