He had also been burgled numerous times before, which rather calls to mind the old quip: just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
The famous old quip about the weather - everyone talks about it but nobody does anything about it - is not as true as it once was.
There is an old quip to the effect that, 'Of the 2,500 paintings done by Corot in his lifetime, 7,800 are to be found in America.'
The old quip, 'sweet enough, are you?' sprang immediately to mind, but she repressed it.
Perhaps even Voltaire's old quip about the Holy Roman Empire being "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire".
This is a peculiar car with a sinister look that recalls an old quip about the Marquis: "What kind of belts come with the de Sade option?"
Use this amount to scale up the old quip - "A billion here, a billion there, why pretty soon you're talking about real money" - and you have a decent guide to today's economic plight.
There is no more call for Mr. Dohnanyi's old quip that whenever he conducted well, it was Szell who got the good mentions.
From somewhere deep in his memory an old quip came floating to the surface: "An executive is a man who picks brains - others' brains."
But recall the old quip: Nobody ever went broke taking profits.