He found it hard even to visit his old sidekick Bundini when he was dying.
A special guest will be the great soprano, and Ms. Horne's old sidekick from the opera stage, Joan Sutherland.
In fact, he is the new hero of Sal's old sidekick who had alerted him in the first place.
Later he meets his old sidekick, now an old man who commits suicide rather than die from cancer.
They've given me Jay Mazzetta and my old sidekick, Beany Heinmann, to help with planning.
The characters of Jan, Jace, and Blip, Space Ghost's old sidekicks, appeared twice on the show.
And your old sidekicks, Joe the Blade and Asteroid Annie.
He lurched across the room like Matt Dillon's old sidekick Chester.
When he teamed with an older sidekick, Spud, they began globe-trotting for a series of international adventures.
At the beginning of the story it is explained that Puchiko, also known as Capuccino, is Dejiko's five year old sidekick and is a catgirl.