One of the older toddlers knocked her over, but she didn't cry; she just got back up.
We are planning a trip to Nosara with our almost 2 year old toddler.
In the past three years, though, she had stayed home after the birth of David, now a toddler three years old.
This knowledge can also be used by older toddlers, 24-month olds, to facilitate acquisition and retention of new information.
His wife had been at home with their baby and a 3 year old toddler.
A separate area for toddlers three years old and younger is found inside.
If your child is an older toddler or a preschooler, talk about meeting new friends and doing new things.
With a 1-month old to take care of, and her older toddler underfoot, bouncing back from major surgery isn't easy.
Made for the 2 year old toddler who still requires a full seat and 5-point harness.
She'd have matured from wee infancy to an older toddler.