Like a fat man trying to do press-ups the old troll pushed himself upwards.
When they came to the old trolls turned to stone, 'Trotter walked forward unconcernedly.
Many of the Discworld's mountains are actually very old trolls.
First the old troll must be tied up tight to prevent trouble the rest of the night.
"An old troll has no business dreaming," he said.
He is also a lonely old troll, and a decent person.
"This shabby old troll couldn't buy a tankard of cheap ale, much less me."
The old troll's life had, up to now, been very straightforward; people paid you money, and you hit other people.
"I hear they're looking for regional types," he says, and adds, "There must be a role for an old troll."
She was walking down and I shout you bloody old troll.