After a lapse of some days a letter ai rived, written in spidery old-fashioned handwriting, i which Miss Greenshaw declared herself anxious to ava herself of the services of Mrs. Oxiey, and making an a pointment for Mrs. Oxiey to come and see her.
"This is an unfinished letter," she commented, then started to decipher the old-fashioned handwriting.
As a result, the term "copperplate" is mostly used to refer to any old-fashioned, tidy handwriting.
A young ensign informed him that more would be forthcoming as soon as the computer managed to transcribe their curious format--good old-fashioned handwriting.
Twenty minutes later I was airing the scrubwoman's Soirée d' Amour out of my office and opening up a thick, rough envelope addressed in a fine, old-fashioned, pointed handwriting.
He passed Shadow six blue cards, each with a date and time written on it in Hinzelmann's old-fashioned handwriting, then entered the details of each in his notebook.
Phaethon tapped the slate surface, brought up a menu, identified his stylus, and began to write commands in his flawless, old-fashioned cursive handwriting.
His life was within walls, under artificial lights, with row on endless row of Cyrillic characters in old-fashioned handwriting shimmering in front of his eyes.
"It was not I who knew," he said--and he thought of the piece of paper still reposing in his pocket with the words on it written in neat old-fashioned handwriting.
After a lapse of some days a letter arrived, written in spidery old-fashioned handwriting, in which Miss Greenshaw declared herself anxious to avail herself of the services of Mrs. Oxley, and making an appointment for Mrs. Oxley to come and see her.