Constituents sending E-mail to their representatives should not expect a speedier reply than to an old-fashioned letter.
It was fun to get an old-fashioned letter, even though they e-mailed each other every day and spoke on the phone.
With a little adult help, children can email, Skype, phone, text or use plain old-fashioned letters to talk and stay in communication with relatives.
The others leaned over to see what it was-- and, printed in old-fashioned letters was a curious word.
The words Inquire Within were carved to the left of the moon in old-fashioned letters.
If the e-mail system doesn't allow for the conveyance of complex ideas, perhaps writers should consider returning to old-fashioned letter writing.
"It's so like Axelrod to send an old-fashioned letter rather than an electronic squirt," she said, opening it.
Over three weeks she sent several e-mail messages and some old-fashioned letters.
Gerald's office had a sign with big old-fashioned letters, fourth floor of a condo rack in what Prior said was Baltimore.
"It's very old-fashioned letter writing - lots of gossip, literary information, personal news," she said.