As long as Ken Clarke - an old-fashioned liberal of the Reggie Maudling school - remains in post at the Ministry of Justice.
One of my favorite examples of an old-fashioned tax-raising liberal is Walter "Fritz" Mondale.
When these more-rich-than-poor Americans utter such sentiments, old-fashioned liberals deride them not only for being selfish but racist to boot.
Some old-fashioned liberals, among them Arthur Schlesinger Jr., were sympathetic to Mr. Hirsch's arguments.
Roberts was an "old-fashioned liberal" who believed strongly in individual responsibility and sound finance.
What we have in Congress are a few old-fashioned liberals and a bunch of people who do not like the government they are part of.
For years, old-fashioned liberals have urged President Clinton to embrace the cause of the poor more directly.
An old-fashioned liberal from a conservative state, he used wit, modesty and argument to win over constituents and colleagues alike.
"Liberal" versus "conservative" means less than it did back when old-fashioned liberals sat on the court.
Sounding every bit as idealistic as old-fashioned liberals, they deliver paeans to the virtue of work.