George was an unsubtle former boxer, sometimes with a short temper, and had old-fashioned views of women's roles in life.
He had a rather old-fashioned view of the world, and in his marriage kept his male pursuits very much to himself.
The Bush team has a curiously old-fashioned view.
I tend to agree with the old-fashioned view that young people and children should go first because they have more to loose.
Still, she is not adverse to the old-fashioned view that literature should serve a moral purpose.
Britain's union bosses have a very old-fashioned view of politics.
He had old-fashioned views concerning the education of women and was opposed to his niece bettering herself through book learning.
He has a pretty strong, old-fashioned view of doing what he's elected to do.
I expected you to take him thoroughly to task for his old-fashioned views.
Cameron says that he has an old-fashioned view: people are innocent until proven guilty.