He is often described as an old-school politician, who plays behind the scenes with a sharp elbow when needed, sometimes aimed at established powerbrokers.
It was vintage Joe Shell, a crusty, old-school politician to whom character was more important than ideology.
The 60-year-old Mr. Chernomyrdin is, at heart, an old-school politician of the Soviet stripe.
Her campaign has attracted many women across ethnic lines, as well as underemployed young men and middle-class Ken yans who are tired of the old-school politicians.
But committee members and lobbyists are unsure whether the strain between the two old-school politicians will have a bad long-term effect on legislation, or on the committee.
The defeat left the president looking outmaneuvered by old-school politicians yet again, and extinguished some of the remaining glow that accompanied his election.
The adored only son of an old-school Conservative politician, he is in his last year at Harrow.
During his years in the Illinois General Assembly, Jones often kept up the traditions of old-school politicians.
Over the last year, Brazil's old-school politicians consistently underrated Mr. Collor.
Mr. Traficant is an old-school politician where everything political is local.