Like the rest of the surrounding area, olive cultivation is growing in Cucuron.
Tourism is still very important today, but apart from flower growing, olive cultivation and oil pressing are important mainstays around the city of Imperia.
The economy is based around agriculture, mainly grape cultivation (accounting for 4.8% of the island's production) and olive cultivation.
Historically, this area has a strong tradition in olive cultivation, and some current vineyards have been converted from growing olives.
The agricultural economy mainly works with olive cultivation and cattle ranching.
Since the late 1990s, it has also been present in California and has possibly spread throughout the area of olive cultivation in the Nearctic region.
Main activities are sailing, fishing, olive cultivation and pottery.
Most of industry in this area centers around olive cultivation, resulting in the production of olive oil as the main cash crop.
Therefore there are obvious dangers for the socio-economic fabric of these regions in disturbing these balances through a policy that threatens to hit olive cultivation.
We also talk of the need for a register of olive cultivation.