So Karl Rove does what any director does to bolster a weak script - pump up the ominous chords on the soundtrack.
Letter writers read their submissions from behind large scrims, and underneath the nonmusic are the hum of a newspaper's city room and ominous chords from the pit.
Olmigon finished his tuning and strummed an ominous minor chord.
Mr. Hurst's attempt to strike an ominous chord in the last scene appears more an afterthought than a forewarning.
The nature of that story is made evident when the orchestra comes together in an ominous dissonant chord capped with the clash of symbols.
Chirping winds, uneven meters and overlapping rhythms increase momentum and give way at the end to ominous timpani-driven chords.
These horrifying moments are the ominous minor chords in a love story meticulously adapted from a much-admired 1951 novel by the French author Jean Giono.
This possibility strikes a particularly ominous chord now that the entire Medicare system is under fire and its long-term viability in doubt.
With an ominous chord of deep bass notes the Alphan fleet loomed over the horizon.
At the play's opening, it emits roiling clouds of smoke while ominous musical chords roar.