The explosion also gave some credence to ominous reports that a band of Islamic militants was planning a nationwide campaign of violence.
Last weekend the International Monetary Fund released a rather ominous report titled "Deflation: determinants, risks and policy options."
As the summer of 1962 came to an end, ominous reports were circulating all through Washington concerning Soviet freighters making their way into Cuban waters.
Even though the increase was about twice as big as expected, the financial markets and economists found the whole report considerably less ominous than the increase alone would suggest.
On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee released a more ominous report about the terrorist threat.
Faced with short provisions, poor fishing, a rocky coast and ominous reports from the natives, he returned to the Kolyma.
Despite this seemingly ominous report, Sheffield stressed that he can and will continue playing.
He spoke of "even more ominous, profoundly disturbing reports of camps where people are being systematically abused, tortured and even executed."
"Looking at the underlying trend in that manner, it isn't necessarily an ominous report," he said.