Virga shivered at the ominous sight, the preview of things to come.
Now redcoats were everywhere; Devlin had spied thousands from a ridge just that morning, the most ominous sight he'd ever seen.
Both were an ominous sight, but the gas mask filters, at least, were sealed and might still be useable.
These are soiled by an ominous sight.
That was an unexpected and ominous sight.
He made an ominous sight with his feet spread and the buffalo coat heavy and thick upon his shoulders.
But the most ominous sight was how the seabed now bulged, like a bubble about to burst.
As we climbed higher, the roadside was littered with dead yaks - an ominous sight for anybody on foot.
On the third floor, the elevator door opens onto the ominous sight of a "1" painted next to the "3," making 13.
Sam found the sight so ominous that it seemed he might reassure himself by saying "You couldn't have been here, could you?