He felt a sudden chill at the inevitable, ominous thought: I hope it's not back for more.
He wondered whether LaneWalsh had gotten in touch with his own chairman- And then an ominous thought struck him.
He shook his head to free it of such ominous thoughts, as Tyiendel opened the door and they stepped out into the cold, blustering night.
As the Dark Elf pondered these ominous thoughts, he heard a soft knock on the door.
Why was my mind absorbed in thoughts ominous and dreary?
Bright and clear and ominous the thoughts paraded, posing questions for which he had no answer.
Patterns, disruptions and tersely ominous thoughts have been the makings of Wire's songs since the late 1970's.
And that prompted an ominous thought.
Just as quickly as the feeling swept through her, however, it was washed away again by an ominous thought.
It was an ominous thought, as if the worst was yet to come.