From that moment, his work has always aimed at denouncing this world of omnipresent danger.
While some undoubtedly fall prey to the omnipresent dangers of their duty, there is reason to believe that most have simply found a world that suits them better than the homeworld and have decided to stay.
Senses once whetted by omnipresent dangers could degenerate when not used.
The omnipresent danger is that if the economy slows suddenly, millions of newly unemployed urban workers could cause unrest.
This was a vision of chaos filled with convulsive movements suggesting omnipresent danger.
Without mentat overlay integration, you can be immersed in the Babel Problem, which is the label we give to the omnipresent dangers of achieving wrong combinations from accurate information.
The omnipresent danger is that anywhere easily ends up being nowhere.
In this dance, sudden shifts of direction in a trio for Pamela Cohen, Violetta Klimczewska and Brian Levy conveyed a sense of omnipresent danger.
Today, my long-held view that, in a modern, financially-driven economy, bubbles are a serious and omnipresent danger has become widely accepted.
Large stores of ammunition, an omnipresent danger to Iraqis, have been destroyed.