This story focuses on Mara's 15-year-old daughter, Lily, and her discovery of the world she lives in.
Parker and Megan are less than pleased with him being there, as it is obvious that he's hitting on Lily.
He discovers that his ex-wife lavishes more attention on Lily than his present wife did.
Later on Lily Ann got married and had two children.
He also tries to hit on Lily every once in a while.
She was alone, her expression pitying as she looked on Lily.
Calico swiveled in his chair and focused a pair of jewel blue eyes on Lily.
His gaze for an instant lost its focus on Lily and fixed elsewhere.
I immediately hung up on Lily, hoping she'd understand, and braced myself for the onslaught.
It didn't reflect well on Lily and him that they'd thrown Renée out.