In June, he ordered a hiring freeze on administrators at the central offices.
It's a whole new ball game when you're focusing on administrators.
He said the many exceptions put a burden on administrators trying to distinguish between legitimate reasons and excuses to play for a better team.
"The burden of dealing with the health-care crisis has fallen on us administrators."
A June strike would put pressure on administrators while being the least disruptive to students, union spokesmen say.
Also, more students from diverse cultural backgrounds, combined with less money for extra teachers and programs to serve them, place heavier demands on administrators.
More than ever before, effective government depends on able and dedicated administrators.
She waited a minute for the full impact to settle on the specialists and administrators.
That always results in last-minute scrambling, which is hard on teachers, administrators and students.
Vincent's owners blame the situation on a few students, administrators and teachers whom they call troublemakers.