If the other party to your dispute has a lot more money to spend on high-priced attorneys and delay tactics, you're starting out at a huge disadvantage.
The duty to report misconduct is one of the ethical duties imposed on attorneys in the United States by the rules governing professional responsibility.
Many civil rights statutes rely on private attorneys general for their enforcement.
Thomas' opponents also challenged his decision to spend $27 million on outside attorneys, including Thomas' former employer, Dennis Wilenchik.
Every dollar Frank spends on attorneys to keep Jamie from getting a penny could be spent on starting pitching.
March 20, 2007 - the Senate voted 94-2 to re-instate the 120-day term limit on interim attorneys appointed by the Attorney General.
Yet many parties to Supreme Court cases still rely on attorneys with little or no Supreme Court experience.
He later imposed a gag order on attorneys and investigators in the case, prohibiting them from releasing future filings or otherwise commenting to the press.
Lawyers have said to accomplish her goal of a small docket, Conlon makes inappropriate demands on attorneys.
State courts and bar associations typically publish sanctions imposed on attorneys for violations of these rules.