Sadly there were no questions on bins.
The family propped television sets and furniture on recycling bins and chairs in case the river, just outside their back door, invaded.
We sit round on bins, rugs and the floor for a chat.
"We would draw the line at things like ads on overhead bins," Mr. Christ said.
For example, he said, a second vote on a plan to establish tighter controls on trash-hauling bins violated the rules by not including all of the original voters.
Towels, cheesecloth and mattress pads are neatly folded into piles on steel shelves and bins once reserved for dry goods.
Mayor Bloomberg has put his stamp on the Tweed Courthouse, smokers' wallets and recycling bins.
Promote the scheme to staff by putting up posters around the offices and on bins explaining the types of paper that can be recycled.
He then shot four employees, poured paint thinner on several bins of clothing, and set the store on fire.
Neat labels on bins named the foods they should have contained, but every bin was empty.