The Short Notes are brief reporting on recent breakthroughs.
I love reporting on scientific breakthroughs that we've all been waiting for!
She has been reporting on medical breakthroughs, the healthcare system and everyday health issues affecting American's lives for more than 10 years.
The best system to capitalize on new breakthroughs in militarily applicable science and technology.
It also holds Nobel Symposia on important breakthroughs in science and topics of cultural or social significance.
He went off on a tangent about computer companies that had been too obtuse to capitalize on big breakthroughs.
Features news on breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine.
It still is not routine, even though most Americans today have grown up on technological breakthroughs that quickly turn too commonplace to command live network coverage.
Mike Sullivan's wife left him eventually, and the author, though loving and attending him when needed, gave up on breakthroughs.
The final communique, issued today as the meeting ended, was notably short on big breakthroughs.