Mass graves are an infamous variation on common burial, still occasionally practiced today under normal circumstances.
Cremation, now the choice of 28 percent of Americans, has been gaining on traditional burial for three decades.
These days recall Jesus' last supper with his disciples, death on the cross, burial and resurrection.
She spent her entire savings, roughly $4,000, on his funeral and burial.
She insists on a plain cardboard box ("Much cheaper") and burial in a simple field or woodland setting.
The murals here were begun in 1760 and center on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Gavin's father had insisted on burial rather than cremation: How else, he'd always said, was he going to be remembered?
For further information on services and burial only, call: 212-787-4355.
I happen to know his wishes on burial.
But the hospital was unable to get it done before the family insisted on burial.