Many experts on dependency say the drug - acamprosate, which would be sold in the United States as Campral - is badly needed.
It is also used regularly in research on dependency, and, less often, in studies on hostility and anxiety.
"And it's a misplaced definition of patriotism to use Sept. 11 as a rationale for doing something that has no impact on price or dependency or immediate supply."
He will bring more than three decades of serious scholarship on American poverty and dependency to what is expected to be a fiercely partisan fight.
John Moore continued his 'assault on dependency' in 1989 by arguing that real poverty has already been abolished in modern Britain.
There were hints of commentary on dependency, but theirs was a closed-seeming world depicted in a dance that needed pruning.
It ranged from works (with numerous scholars) on dependency of resistance of contact load up to superconduction of contacts.
This issue has been raised in the earlier section on dependency.
His work on dependency would be his most acclaimed contribution to sociology and development studies, specially in the United States.
It recalled the objectives assigned to the future draft bill on dependency to be created during the first half of 2009.