Ford contests that finding but stopped putting ignitions on distributors after the 1995 model year.
As the company's market share grew it began to assert pressure on publishers and distributors to lower prices.
Such rules, however, have to be carefully crafted to weigh these benefits against the costs they may place on programming owners and distributors.
His winery produces 60,000 cases annually and relies on distributors in 30 states.
Unlike most other Internet stores it handles product shipping itself rather than rely on distributors.
The creation of a subsidiary was unusual for the time, as other foreign auto companies typically relied on independent distributors.
We have been able to share information on agents and distributors globally in this industry.
"The producers are counting on consumers to put pressure on distributors," he said.
Developing countries rely on distributors to transport and sell their products.
On such distributors, the timing advance is controlled electronically by the engine computer.