Properly chastised, I went and sat at my computer, desperate for a little research on butterflies and nightmares.
Life was too short to dwell on nightmares instead of dreams.
If she, of all people, could not turn her back on old nightmares and get on with her life, then who in the world could?
He draws on nuclear nightmares and, more exotically, the cataclysmic potential of the black holes and "strange matter" of the new physics.
Although the impact of scary movies on nightmares is uncertain, researchers have no doubt that frightening events in the real world trigger more frequent nightmares.
The 35,000 Angels of Death are archers mounted on nightmares, with a few undead mounts as well.
Perhaps a third of Prozac users suffer severe insomnia, and some who manage to fall sleep report excessively vivid dreams that can verge on nightmares.
After I'd given it some thought, I decided to hang the whole thing on nightmares about Nahgharash.
"Yeah, well, there's no use dwelling on nightmares," Russell said.
Siegel, A. (2003) A mini-course for clinicians and trauma workers on posttraumatic nightmares.