The experience had a powerful effect on his co-workers.
To do so would mean giving up on individual users, their families, their co-workers and others.
Most people didn't like the idea of spying on their co-workers or friends.
If he was going to be indicted, going to be forced to rat on his co-workers, he'd rather be dead?
Against all odds, his desire to change and positive attitude seem to be rubbing off on his co-workers and acquaintances.
Reluctance to Inform In the past, most employees have been reluctant to inform on their co-workers.
"I admit, I sneaked it up on my co-workers," she said.
Mr. Monaghan had already made an impression on his co-workers.
Another had Sam collaborating with Gary's crew to get revenge on his co-workers for a prior practical joke.
But he thought he would try it a little bit on his co-workers.