"The female threw me out of her house early this morning after doing a job on my ego."
It's not easier on your ego, but the choices are so much simpler.
As a leader, you have to resist the temptations of success and keep a rein on your ego.
Catching Wakefield can do a job on your ego.
"It's hard to argue with a woman when she's got her knee on my ego."
The way you use and display the money you made will also be a reflection on your ego.
But there were still prices to pay, more tangible ones beyond the bruises on Picard's ego.
Worse, it wasn't based on morality but on her ego.
The injustice of it all grated harshly on his ego.
The attitude could be hard on a man's ego, especially on a man who'd been born around the turn of the twentieth century.