The house system is based on patrons who are successful in a wide range of expertise, such as sports, business, science and the Arts.
"I don't think we need candidates who are dependent on patrons," Senator Feingold said.
Foreign tourism dropped 25 percent after the terrorist attacks, and the Met depends more than many other arts organizations on international patrons.
Many of the bills seek to ease the multiple taxes on producers, theater operators and patrons.
They can be adjusted to focus on certain suspicious patrons by security workers in a separate room filled with banks of security monitors.
He attacked a 15-year-old girl with a machete, then turned his rifle on other patrons, shooting four of them to death.
Land artists in America relied mostly on wealthy patrons and private foundations to fund their often costly projects.
The police said they kept no figures on how many underage patrons they had checked in previous years.
Thus, the shape the Church initially took was dependent on local Protestant patrons.
While she presented herself as a straight-talking, no-nonsense independent black woman, Truth leaned on white patrons throughout her life.