But as the photographs in this smart show demonstrate, they continue to exert their appeal, on photographers and audiences.
Mr. Allen takes a shot at directors who insist on foreign photographers, including himself.
Reporters moved in on them, cameramen and photographers closing off the escape route.
Alternatively the three organisations listed below will be able to advise you on qualified photographers in your area.
Rubinfien is also an active writer, who has published numerous extended essays on major photographers of the 20th century.
But what's more surprising is the imprint they seem to have made on photographers from the other camp.
The gallery focuses on American and European photographers who worked from 1930 to 1960.
He was a major influence on young black photographers in the late 1980s and 1990s.
As a result, curators, critics and collectors have focused their attentions almost exclusively on American photographers.
His beauty did not depend on makeup or lighting or good photographers.