I saw a book on poisons on his library table the day of that party where we met.
They have no effect on poisons, which are simply molecules that happen to have devastating effects on human physiology.
She excited the suspicions of public librarians by asking for works on poisons.
In addition to this, Gettler also wrote numerous papers on isolating poisons such as benzene from human bodies.
Ones on poisons and altitude-sensitive bombs that could be used on airplanes.
It came as something of a shock to learn that he was chief government analyst and an authority on rare poisons.
I want a second opinion on latent poisons.
A Dominican black monk who runs the church's pharmacy, he is an expert on both medicine and poisons.
After Ariel left, James vowed that he would kill John and read up on undetectable poisons.
You see, Harriet worked for years in her father's drugstore and so would have had no trouble getting her hands on poisons.