I'd much rather hear thoughts on drivers, teams and tech for next season - and that's what you can get here.
Since you don't rely on tech, you should be able to operate longer than most.
Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre noted for its focus on "high tech and low life."
Time to stock up on old tech until quality of new tech improves dramatically.
They're pretty deadly in themselves, and their strength and speed aren't reliant on tech.
Others were variations on existing tech, slightly behind or ahead of current thinking.
I think it goes without saying that these cards rely on tech from the gaming parts.
Obviously the guardian requires zero tech knowledge to report on tech.
The chip in the Xbox 360 maybe have gotten a nice redesign but it is still based on 9 year old tech.
I think he didn't want the rebels to get their hands on advanced tech if they decided to take him prisoner.