Eric Anderson, the company's chief executive and president, said the new plans put a pressure on would-be travelers to act quickly.
Opinions vary widely throughout the travel industry about the impact of the change on travelers.
For seven years they preyed especially on travelers and migrants passing through the area.
But none of this history lessens the impact on travelers when prices start to pull ahead again.
They were talking about a gang that has been preying on local travelers.
The ban on individual travelers followed one that was already in place to keep tour groups out of Tibet.
The city relies on travelers for a considerable part of its economy.
But the figures also disclose taxes that focus on travelers alone.
"Might I ask why you gentlemen find it necessary to pull guns on simple travelers like ourselves?"
But in the months ahead, the changes at United could have far-reaching effects on travelers and many of the airline's 81,000 workers.