However, large war reparations were a significant financial burden on the Knights, causing internal unrest and economic decline.
BUT, their relationship is causing much turmoil in the kingdom and verging on civil unrest.
The bureau is the only official source of news on civil unrest.
The Bassijis also reported on suspicious activities or unrest in their neighborhoods and villages.
"Battle for Souls" leads viewers into the riotous troubles with a focus on unrest in Nigeria.
He has called in his military advisor on civil unrest and they're drawing up a plan to deal with all possible contingencies.
Other sections of the population appear strike bound and bent on civil unrest.
Here's a recent example, over the use of the word "tribe" when we were reporting on unrest in Kenya after recent elections.
Human rights groups say more than 400 children have been killed in Syria's crackdown on anti-government unrest - some of them deliberately.
As the police clamped down on unrest, about 50 mercenaries flew out of the country.