The New Edge was hosted by Ryan Seacrest, one of his first on-air jobs.
Her first on-air job was at KCBA in Salinas, California.
After leaving his on-air job, Brown worked in sales and later served as WKIX general manager.
Discontented after three weeks of typing, Steele moved to the traffic department to schedule spots before finally approaching the program director about an on-air job.
Not long after I got the on-air job at 75.
Kelley is the co-author of the book "Breaking Into Broadcasting," a guide to landing one's first (or next) on-air job in television.
Tall, blond and lovely, Alison (Katherine Heigl) has just been promoted to an on-air job at the E!
Lurie quickly accepted the on-air job and to date is a major part of the broadcast team.
If it was such a journalistic travesty for the conservative Mr. Buchanan to have an on-air job, why not criticize liberals who are doing the same thing?
Miller returned to Lockport for an on-air job at radio station WLVL.